Body Contouring

Treatment that helps remove excess skin and fat in problem areas. This also includes, tightening skin and reducing the appearance of cellulite. We offer you many ways to contour your body safely and without the need for risky and painful surgery. With a variety of treatments along many other body contouring machines.

Cavitation Treatment

Cavitation is a new non-invasive body slimming procedure. It uses ultrasound waves to empty fat cells within the body. This fat is then broken down and gently filtered through the body’s natural waste elimination system. This procedure requires no downtime- with real, measurable results. Typically, problem areas such as the abdomen, buttocks, love handles, upper arms, and inner/back thighs are successfully treated.

30 minutes $50 (per area)

Radiofrequency Treatment

This non-invasive technique uses heat and radiofrequency energy to shape the body by getting rid of or shrinking unwanted fat cells. It also works to smooth the skin in areas where sagging or cellulite may be present.

30 minutes $50 (per area)

Vacuum Therapy

therapy system uses suction and pressure to release the fluids in the fat cells that cause cellulite. Vacuum Therapy can be done over the entire body. Although the most common areas are legs, buttocks, abdomen, and upper arms.

30 minutes $50 (per area)

EMS Sculp & Tone

you can see immediate results and improve skin elasticity, muscle tone, increased production of collagen, and reduce appearance of stretch marks and scars. is a non-invasive body contouring treatment that improves muscle building and fat burning. Since no surgery is required for these treatments, there is little to no expected downtime.

30 minutes $50 (per area)

Wood Therapy Treatment

Wood Therapy intensifies the breakdown of fat and fibrous cellulite, so that it can be eliminated naturally with other toxins. This technique employs repetitive movements using different wooden instruments to manipulate targeted areas of muscle, fat and cellulite, stimulating the lymphatic drainage system to remove unnecessary water, fat and toxins from the body.

30 minutes $50 (per area)

We recommended a series of10 to 15 treatments to achieve the desired results.

Vibration Plate Therapy Treatment

Vibration Therapy is the latest in Skin Tightening and Circulation Therapy. This Therapy Makes a Real Difference in Your Appearance.

10 minutes $25